Keeping microlearning short is essential because it aligns with the way people learn in today’s fast-paced, attention-scarce world. Short, focused content improves engagement, retention, accessibility, and flexibility, making it an effective approach to training and education. To help you achieve your microlearnig objectives, Synapsys put together a practical design resource: Synapsys hacks: Keeping the ‘micro’…
One of the first conversations we have with many of our clients starts like this: I’ve already done a full learning needs analysis and gathered all the content; Can you start building learning content for us? People seem quite surprised when we still want to go through a discovery process before giving a final answer…
We are really happy to see Articulate‘s new microlearning option in Rise 360! Our learning designers love its simplicity. The one-click access to #learning activities allows learners to quickly get into the learning instead of negotiating multiple layers of navigation. This approach is particularly valuable for busy professionals who want to maximise their time. Whether you’re on…
We are thrilled to have worked on the new WorkSafe/ACC gamified microlearning site ‘Pickled’, which went live on Friday!
So Microlearning is a big deal these days and if you’re still using your Learning Management System (or LMS) and standard e-learning tools to produce SCORM-type learning you’re probably not doing it in the most cost-effective or efficient manner. At Synapsys we’ve teamed up with industry-leading systems to be able to offer great ways to…
Microlearning isn’t just about taking your large learning objects or courses and breaking them into smaller ones. Microlearning is small but self-contained pieces of learning. With our fast paced world and lack of time to spend more than a few minutes learning before performing tasks, microlearning is a must-have for most modern businesses. The problem…