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  • Stages on the learning journey

    At Synapsys, we see learning as being about helping the learners to move from one stage of understanding to another. It is important for us to have a solid grip on what you hope to achieve through the learning intervention, so we can support it.  Are we trying to make people aware of what they…

    Matariki – te Mātahi o te Tau

    Matariki, the Māori New Year, is a special time when people, whānau, and communities come together to commemorate the past year, celebrate the present, and make plans for the upcoming year. It is a time for honouring the memories of our loved ones who are no longer with us, indulging in feasts and festivities with…

    Learning Objectives as a House Design Metaphor

      The thing about learning objectives is that they can be compared to designing a house. Just as you need to know the specific requirements of a person when building a house, you also need to understand the needs of learners when defining learning objectives. For instance, consider a family with three children, who are…

    SLAM – Learning Theory Meets Practice

    Sometimes it seems as though every expert has their own recipe for what a good learning solution looks like! At Synapsys we base our designs on research about what works for actual adult learners.  The Synapsys Learning Activity Model – SLAM – brings together concepts from Gagné’s 9 events of instruction, Knowles’ principles of andragogy,…

    Achieving Competency Excellence: Public Trust’s upgrade of TrustEd with Totara TXP16!

      It’s one thing to create a competency framework for your organisation, but many find the process of effectively measuring staff achievement against it a much bigger challenge. Key to achieving this is a technology platform that makes the connection between frameworks, development pathways, and learning opportunities. Public Trust‘s recent upgrade of their TrustEd competency…

    Digital Transformation: From tech change to behaviour change (5 of 5)

    Go live is the real start line  This is the fifth and final article in the series on ensuring your technology projects leverage learning to deliver the change and business value they are supposed to.   Curious about what we discussed previously? Check out the previous articles! Part 1.  “Using learning to make technology projects stick”…

    Digital Transformation: From tech change to behaviour change (4 of 5)

    Change happens when people get it  This is the fourth article in the series on ensuring your technology projects deliver the change and business value they are supposed to.   Read the first article here “Using learning to make technology projects stick” Read the second article here “Vision, what vision?“ Read the third article here “Change starts…

    Digital Transformation: From tech change to behaviour change (3 of 5)

    Change starts when the programme starts  This is the third article in the series on ensuring your technology projects deliver the change and business value they are supposed to.   Read the first article here “Using learning to make technology projects stick” Read the second article here “Vision, what vision?“ We all know the well-worn ‘truths’ about…

    Digital Transformation: From tech change to behaviour change (2 of 5)

    Vision, what vision? This is the second article in the series on ensuring your technology projects deliver the change and business value they are supposed to.   Read the first article here “Using learning to make technology projects stick” Technology projects are an answer to a problem. Looking through business cases for tech implementations, we often…

    Digital Transformation: From tech change to behaviour change (1 of 5)

    Using learning to make technology projects stick Deloitte‘s recent “The nine trends reshaping government in 2023”  report speaks of silos inside government shifting to collaborative ecosystems. Driven by trends such as accelerated technology and the rise of networked power, it describes how governments around the world are tailoring public services, bridging data networks and moving…

    RNZCGP enhances learning experience for registrars with Totara TXP16

    The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) recently upgraded their Totara TXP to boost their capability to deliver learning programmes to their registrars in a more accessible, engaging, and fulfilling way.    The College uses the Totara platform to deliver General Practice Education Programme and Rural Hospital Medicine Training Programme for doctors who would…

    Representing Bicultural New Zealand: Insights from Maire Smith on APEC 2021

    In 2021, New Zealand was the host for APEC– a year-long, high-level diplomatic conference that would showcase New Zealand on the international stage. COVID-19 changed the game, with all interactions needing to move to an online platform on short notice. The APEC NZ team needed to move fast, not only taking the APEC – Asia-Pacific…

    The limits of visual working memory and how we apply it in learning design

    We all know that our ability to keep multiple things in our mind is limited. Four things is a common benchmark, and the article “When four is not four, but rather two plus two” suggests it might actually be two on each side of our brain.   And yet we see so many learning experiences ignoring…

    Need to get out of a Pickle?

    Do you remember the super fun and engaging microlearning project we did with WorkSafe New Zealand and AKQA called “Pickled”? It was a series of learning games that made it to the finals of the Mobile Experience category at The Webby Awards, which received over 13,500 submissions from over 70 countries. That’s right, Pickled was such a hit! Guess what?…

    Synapsys is growing and we couldn’t be more excited! 

    We are proud to announce that Lorraine Want, Sara Jazgar and Darryl Gatward have joined our growing Wellington-based team! What Darryl enjoys the most as Pou Whakahaere – Kiritaki (General Manager – Customer) is working with smart people across a diverse set of industries to create solutions that address the gap between what currently exists and what is needed. Lorraine,…


    Supporting Farmlands Co-operative with their transformation

    Farmlands Co-operative is taking their employees’ development and growth to the next level with a whole new learning experience to be rolled out this year, and it starts with Totara 17. We couldn’t be more thrilled to be partnering with them and support their vision to become reality as they roll out new functionality this…

    Articulate’s new microlearning option in Rise 360!

    We are really happy to see Articulate‘s new microlearning option in Rise 360! Our learning designers love its simplicity. The one-click access to #learning activities allows learners to quickly get into the learning instead of negotiating multiple layers of navigation. This approach is particularly valuable for busy professionals who want to maximise their time. Whether you’re on…

    Ready to start a more formal learning journey?

    It’s always great to connect with like-minded leaders about supporting the development of their teams. We had a great chat to Matthew Hayter from Projectworks about the connection between learning, capability and performance. Why people learn is always a personal decision to a degree; progressive organisations understand that the old boundaries between work and personal…

    Z Energy responds to new supply chain opportunities

    How do you measure learning experience going forward? That was the big question for Julie Fitzgerald from Z Energy when partnering again with Synapsys in 2022 – this time to help develop a company-wide learning and training platform with a focus on understanding supply chain models. Our Managing Director, Phil, recently sat down with Julie…

    Staying Current in a Changing World

    We know that transformation and adaptability are key to organisations thriving and growing. But transformation can be hard. Remaining current though? That’s much easier. Or is it? What is ‘current’ is subject to change, and might not be current in six months’ time. So what does ‘current’ mean for us, and the work we do?…

    Bringing our Stands to Life

    At Synapsys, our Stands reflect both how we think and are the main drivers of the work that we do. Our Stands are what we believe in and what guide us as individuals and as a business.  So what are they? Whakarerekē whaitikanga – we stand for meaningful change and the discipline to execute it….

    The role learning plays in transformation

    “Since I joined Synapsys a few months ago,” says Jo Parag, our General Manager Customer and Client Relationship Manager, “I have come to appreciate our positioning line of ‘Learn to Transform’. On the surface it’s a simple statement but dig a little deeper and the complexity and strength of this statement for both our clients…

    Learning as you go

    It’s fascinating to see how organisations are responding differently to the challenge of exploring their relationship with Te Ao Māori. Interest in Te Reo Māori is palpable, and there is a growing recognition that Tikanga Māori is an important demonstration of a commitment to recognising diversity – being inclusive. More and more though we are…

    Gamification in Learning: Partnering with Z Energy

      Z Energy is one of New Zealand’s largest fuel distributors, and a long-term partner of Synapsys. Z Energy first engaged Synapsys’ services when Z took over the company from Shell, and were responsible for developing a learning and training platform for pilot Z Energy sites around the country. Having now established themselves fully –…

    So where does our story begin?

    At Synapsys, our name and our brand tell our story. We think of the synapses in the brain as the spark of creative thought, but they are also central to how we remember, and how we tell our body to take action. Synapsys stands for creative thought and action – we have a meaningful impact by…

    What are our Stands?

    At Synapsys, our Stands reflect how we think and drive the work that we do. What are they?  Whakarerekē whaitikanga – we stand for meaningful change and the discipline to execute it. Tiakitanga Whakawhanaunga – we stand for trusting relationships and support both eachother and our communities. Manawanui – we stand for courage and speak our truth with…

    We have some big news!

    Synapsys’ very own Learning Design Lead, Maire Smith has been selected as a Judge for the upcoming New Zealand Association of Training and Development (NZATD) Awards!  In being selected, Maire is being recognised for her significant contribution to learning – did you know that she has even been a recipient of an NZATD award in the…

    Have you heard of Au Consulting?

    Au Consulting are leaders when it comes to implementing cultural change here in Aotearoa.  Using the combined strategic, cultural and educational expertise of their consultants, Au Consulting are able to support and guide organisations to connect more authentically with Te Ao Māori. Synapsys recently worked with Au Consulting on the creation of several micro modules and…

    The latest Pickled cases are live!

    Maybe you want to help a farmer spraying gorse on a steep slope, or you might be keen to assist Tate and his team with a bit of welding in an online game?   Back in 2019, Synapsys partnered with Worksafe New Zealand to develop the learning design for an online game suite that would help…

    Z Energy at Synapsys Breakfast Event 2020

    Z Energy talks about the customer experience. Presenter: Julie Fitzgerald, Learning Operations Manager

    RMPP at Synapsys Breakfast Event 2020

    RMPP talk about sustainability productivity improvement. Presenter: Denise Bewsell, Specialist Extension Manager

    Panel Discussion at Synapsys Breakfast Event 2020

    Panel discussion which focuses on Covid and how it will affect the industry. Panelists: Mike Crossan, Executive General Manager Learning Services – Primary ITO David Glover, Executive Director – Partnerships Unitec Institute of Technology Julie Fitzgerald, Organisational Learning Manager – Z Energy NZ  

    Synapsys on partnering with DIA: NZLPP Project

    “This programme is an exemplar for Synapsys in how genuine partnerships with our clients can contribute to significant positive impact across a sector in challenging times.” The Department of Internal Affairs (“DIA”) is New Zealand’s public service department, responsible for issuing documents like passports, citizenship grants, registering births and deaths, and more. They also advise…


    The National Library builds capability and stronger communities during tough times with the NZLPP

    The National Library’s NZ Libraries Partnership Programme is supporting librarians and library services to be retained during Covid-19, at the same time ensuring librarians play a key role in supporting their communities and people seeking jobs. A key part of this programme is upskilling librarians, so that they can provide greater support for library users…


    Why we do user testing

    There was an interesting piece about user testing in the Alertbox newsletter from NNG this week. I like to do a round of user testing on most learning-design projects, simultaneous with the second SME review. It needs to be after the first review, because the content should be complete and 90% final. The aim is…


    Raising-the-bar on accessibility

    We are excited to announce we are taking home an Initiative award for Accessibility at the 2021 NZATD Learning and Development Awards. The award acknowledges work that creates accessible learning and encourages best practice. We are receiving this award for the online module Demystifying Procurement, which we developed and built in collaboration with MBIE. The…


    Consolidate your systems for a streamlined, integrated experience.

    Picture the scene: you’re jumping online to complete a quick training module. You sign in to your emails to double check which course your manager recommended. You then log out, and log into your learning management system to take the course. After the course, you still have questions, so you email a colleague to ask…


    Webby award finalist!

    Wow! Pickled! – the microlearning we collaborated on with WorkSafe and AKQA last year – is a finalist for the Webby Awards in the Mobile Experience category! It’s great to see this international recognition of best-of-the-internet! From over 13,500 entries from over 70 countries, this nomination puts the Pickled! experience in the top 10%. Pretty…

    How long does it take?

    One of the first conversations we have with many of our clients starts like this: I’ve already done a full learning needs analysis and gathered all the content; how fast can you develop an e-learning module for me? People seem quite surprised when we still want to go through a Discovery process before giving a…

    Shining with Rise

    In the last few months, we’ve worked with several clients
    to make e-learning modules in Articulate Rise, where previously we would have
    used Storyline.
    Right now seems a good moment to look back and think about what made Rise the best solution for these projects, how to get the most from it, and what pitfalls exist for the unwary.


    It’s great to see how the building blocks of the VET Sector reforms known as RoVE are starting to come together. Workforce Development Councils are taking shape, and the Construction and Infrastructure COVE is also underway. As an Associate to ConCOVE , we see the intended projects as pivotal to innovation in learning across the sector….



    We are thrilled to have worked on the new WorkSafe/ACC gamified microlearning site ‘Pickled’, which went live on Friday!

    Skills or resilience? You choose?

    The 2020 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends report is out. I’ve dipped into the chapter on Beyond reskilling; Investing in resilience for uncertain futures. If you have an interest in how your organisation can thrive in a world of accelerating change, you should read it. It suggests that the increasing pace of change probably makes the strategy of…


    Bite-Sized Learning Solutions

    So Microlearning is a big deal these days and if you’re still using your Learning Management System (or LMS) and standard e-learning tools to produce SCORM-type learning you’re probably not doing it in the most cost-effective or efficient manner. At Synapsys we’ve teamed up with industry-leading systems to be able to offer great ways to…


    LTIG – 11th June 2019 – Christchurch Event

    We’ve covered some interesting topics at the Learning Technology Interest Group over the last few sessions like Learning Design and Learning Experience Design. Few are more topical than microlearning though, and for our next session we’ll be looking at how ‘badging’ and micro-credentials tie in with bite-sized learning. Recently we published a piece on Practical…


    Practical Microlearning

    Microlearning isn’t just about taking your large learning objects or courses and breaking them into smaller ones. Microlearning is small but self-contained pieces of learning. With our fast paced world and lack of time to spend more than a few minutes learning before performing tasks, microlearning is a must-have for most modern businesses. The problem…


    Knowledge Management rides again?

    Remember the Knowledge Management wave that moved through in the early ’90s? Large repositories of live shared process documents that gave everyone a shared view of how things were done…. Whatever happened? LMSs came along, instructional content was easier to digest and maybe more effective… Perhaps it’s time in the L&D space has come again…

    Notes from the Learning Technology Group

    Learning Technology Interest Group (LTIG) in Christchurch is a collaborative group in the region made up of people and organisations with a strong interest in leveraging technology to improve learning in their organisations. Synapsys plays a pivotal role in the group, by organising the events and communications of the group and encouraging members to present,…

    EdTech Christchurch Launch

    We were delighted to lead the South Island launch of Edtech on Tuesday 6th. A large group braved ugly weather to hear from a panel representing the education, government and corporate sectors talk about challenges and successes we all share in the space of learning technologies. Genuine access and engagement continue to be challenges. It’s…

    We have the technology, do we know what to do with it?

    As always, the Deliotte Global Human Capital Trends challenges  and informs the L&D sector. Careers and Learning is now the number two priority, well ahead of leadership development, digital platforms and analytics. Careers now average 60 years, jobs 4-5 years, and the half-life of a learned skill is now 5 years. Do the maths. We’re…