For many organisations, a development process includes just the core of the product development cycle – the initial concepts or storyboards through to final deployment. But there are wider considerations within any development cycle that need to be addressed if you want to ensure your development process is the best it can be. There are…
Whether you’re developing and delivering a learning initiative, or improving your L&D processes, we all know we should measure the success of what we’re doing. Clear benchmarks, clear goals, compelling evidence of the logic of us doing more with bigger budgets for the betterment of our organisation. Often we don’t though…. No benchmark to measure…
Keynote speakers have a rare opportunity to shift thinking on a large scale. 10,000 registered for ATD2015, it looked like well over half attended Sugata’s session. He well and truly took his chance; this blogpost is no doubt a tiny part of the ripple that will spread out from the session. It doesn’t cover his…
Learning Records Stores are gaining traction because of their ability to track and report on informal or unstructured activity. Working with Experience API (also known as Tin Can and xAPI), LRSs provide rich data on learner activity as they move around outside of structured content typically put together and managed within LMSs. This leads some…
This report from Deloitte puts Learning and Development as the third highest talent challenge facing organisations (from a survey pool of 3300 business in 106 countries). Sitting only behind culture and engagement and leadership, it got an average importance rating of 74/100. It’s up from 8th place last year. On the face of it, it’s…
Michael Stallard argues in Connection Culture that growing a ‘connection culture’ in your organisation gives competitive advantage. He argues that it helps productivity, innovation and staff retention, amongst other things. In support, he sites research that compared business units with engagement and connection scores in the bottom 25%, against others with the top 25%’s median…
We all struggle to figure out how to fold new technologies into our learning experiences. It seems human nature to try and shoehorn the new tool into our existing paradigm, rather than ask how our paradigm could change. If this sounds familiar to you, Mastering Mobile Learning will be a useful tool to help you…
If you’re interested in understanding what Social Learning really is, and what it’s rationale might be, Chapter One gives you plenty to think about. There aren’t many recent trends the authors don’t touch on. Lean, BYOD, Gen Y and Millenials, 70/20/10, they’re all in there along with a strong underlying themes around passion, energy and…
Summary of Retirement Villages Association Financial Sector Forum, October 2015 Presentation Recent research holds that Learning and Development has become a critical tool in meeting the global challenges in talent development.[1] We see common challenges across all sectors driving this; the need to adapt to change, retain staff, reduce cost, and find new revenue streams….