Our partnership with Toyota began in 2013 with an engagement to redevelop a national sales training programme by keeping the best of the existing face to face model and repurposing to a blended model with elearning and support models.
Our partnership continues to this day. The latest project helps Toyota dealerships’ environmental champions learn best -practice processes for meeting the Toitū enviromark certification requirements.
To be able to do this the dealership teams needed to understand their roles as Environmental champions and know what was expected of them to succeed in their roles, while not increasing their already busy workloads. The challenge that Toyota was faced with was how to deliver this training in an effective and innovative way throughout the country.
Using a co-design process, we settled on a blend of digital learning, print resources and website guide.
An elearning module provided access around the country to an overview of how Champions could help their stores meet the Toitū enviromark requirements. In addition, we designed a poster that was able to be posted on dealership offices with an easy-to-follow guide on the responsibilities of the dealership team. This provided a physical prompt that supplemented the online module without the need to log back in to refresh learning.
Activity at Toyota is tracked in an Environment Management System (EMS), so we supported champions with a website guide containing easy-to-follow templates. A micro-learning animated video explaining the importance of the EMS system and the role of the Environmental Champion completed the learning experience.