Answering the right questions – why should we invest in a Learning Management System?

Most L&D professionals know that investing in a Learning Management System has many benefits for their organisation, but how do you make those benefits tangible and connect to what matters to the C-Suite? 

Sometimes the things that matter to learning professionals are very different from the priorities of senior leaders. Learning culture is key to organisational change, but so what? Connecting learning opportunities to capability development goals helps focus staff on learning that matters to their role, but so what?    

The key is to be crystal clear on what specific business problems a well-configured LMS will help solve. If you’re asking for real money for investment, it’s only fair you show real benefits. Focus on them when developing a business case or requesting budget.

How will the platform deliver: 

  • Operational efficiency – saving administrative overhead by centralising and automating learning programmes and smart integration with HRIS systems. 
  • Employee engagement and retention – making learning accessible, interactive and engaging, increases job and career satisfaction, and reduces churn and the costs associated with hiring and upskilling new staff. 
  • Skills and development aligned to the needs of the organisation – identifying competencies and closing skill gaps across the entire workforce drives operational efficiency and flexibility. 
  • Reduced risk – ensuring employees have the right certifications and mandatory training to perform their roles, supporting the organisation to remain compliant with health & safety, security and regulatory requirements. 
  • Support growth – LMS platforms are extremely flexible and scalable and can change and grow as the organisation changes and grows. 
  • Increased productivity – enables learning in the flow of work. Online learning programmes, webinars and micro-learning reduce the need to take people away from their work to attend face-to-face workshops, reducing downtime and improving productivity. 

There are numerous other reasons for implementing an LMS in an organisation. The important thing is to ensure you know what problems you are solving, how they align to your organisations strategy and goals, and ensuring you report back against those goals on a regular basis.


Are you interested in exploring the benefits of implementing an LMS for your organisation?

Our team would love to chat.


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