Archive for June, 2024

The importance of a growth mindset in change and transformation

Image Source: Teaching a Growth Mindset – Carol Dweck (YouTube, Stanford) In this presentation, Carol Dweck from Stanford University explains how people’s views on their intelligence, talents and abilities affect their (and their organisation’s) performance.  Carol argues, “Learning a growth mindset transforms the meaning of effort and difficulty. Students with a growth mindset take on…

Getting organisational buy-in for change

Image source: This article from provides a useful list of things to think about when planning for e-learning programme development and rollout. In part, it speaks to how leadership support can improve adoption by communicating benefits, providing adequate resourcing and setting clear expectations.  All good stuff when you have leadership team buy-in, but…

New Client Top Ticket Items #2: To Customise or Not… 

We have the privilege of working across a huge range of sectors and organisations. So, it’s interesting that we often find new clients asking the same questions. In this series of posts, we’ll cut across the most common challenges occupying people’s minds. Here’s another big one: Whether to customise or not to customise your LMS/LXP…. …