Archive for August, 2023

The SOLO Taxonomy; finding the Goldilocks Zone for learning activities

We believe that understanding the goals of a workplace learning solution is essential for creating the best experiences. If you’re clear about why your organisation wants your team to learn something, you’re in the best place to choose the optimal learning activities.   It is helpful to determine how much depth of understanding is required for…

Effective governance of Learning Management System (LMS) – why is it still a struggle?

Iris Vermeren makes the important point in her article that you need to be clear about your learning strategy and goals if you’re going to get the most out of your LMS. Sounds simplistic, doesn’t it? It’s a no-brainer that an understanding of effective governance of your Learning Management System (LMS) is vital for creating…

Engage and Collaborate: Miro’s Role in Online Workshops

As online workshops have become more common, an ongoing challenge has been how to engage learners in the sessions. How do you recreate the participation and collaboration that happens when people are learning face-to-face?  Miro is a really useful tool for online facilitation, we’ve been using it in workshops for project managers. Miro is an…

How long does it take? – Navigating learning design timeframes

One of the first conversations we have with many of our clients starts like this: I’ve already done a full learning needs analysis and gathered all the content; Can you start building learning content for us? People seem quite surprised when we still want to go through a discovery process before giving a final answer…